Gyanesh Kumar has been named as Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation and Alkesh Kumar Sharma will be Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
New Delhi: Senior IAS official Gyanesh Kumar has been named as Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation as a feature of a high level regulatory reshuffle affected by the Center on Monday.
Mr Kumar, a 1988-clump IAS official of the Kerala unit, is at present Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. He has been delegated as the Cooperation Secretary instead of Devendra Kumar Singh, who has been named National Human Rights Commission Secretary General.
Alkesh Kumar Sharma, Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat will be Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity), a request gave by the Personnel Ministry said.
Pradip Kumar Tripathi, Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), has been moved as Secretary, (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat instead of Sharma.
S Radha Chauhan, a 1988-bunch IAS official of the Uttar Pradesh unit will be the new DoPT Secretary instead of Tripathi.
Neel Kamal Darbari, Managing Director, Small Farmers’ Agri Business Consortium, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, has been named as administrator, National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention in the position and pay of Secretary to the public authority of India.
Sanjay Kumar, a 1990-clump IAS official as of now serving in his framework territory of Bihar, will be Secretary, Department of Youth Affairs.
S K G Rahate, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Power has been named as Secretary, Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice.