The 5 Worst SEO Mistakes You Can Make for Your Blog

When you’re running your Best SEO Agency Gold Coast, it can be tempting to try to do everything yourself. However, if you’re going to take on something like search engine optimization (SEO) on your own, you’re likely to make mistakes that harm your SEO and cost you valuable time and money in the long run. Let’s look at the five worst SEO mistakes you can make on your blog and how to avoid them so that you can keep your efforts on track and get better results.


1) Not having an original title


While good quality content is a must, it’s of no use if you don’t have an original title. If people are searching your keywords on Google, and then they find your page but see that you stole your title from another site (with exactly the same quality content), there is a big chance that they won’t click through. Always come up with an original title when you publish a new post. It will help you create trust with your readers and rank higher in search results.


2) Not writing posts with keywords in mind


If you don’t write with keywords in mind, your chances of ranking well in search engines will be slim to none. Search engines use keywords as a measure of popularity; if your posts don’t contain popular keywords that are relevant to your topic, you probably won’t rank as high. This is one of the most common mistakes bloggers make—and it’s also one of the easiest fixes.


SEO Agency Gold Coast


3) Choosing generic images as your header image


Just because you found that perfect picture of a sunset does not mean it will convert well with your audience. Keep in mind that you should cater to your niche and only use images that appeal to them specifically. A generic image can actually deter people from reading your content, so make sure you’re taking steps to avoid that at all costs.


4) Not using social media to your advantage


Most professional bloggers have at least one Twitter account that they use to interact with their audience. In fact, if you don’t have a presence on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, it may be time to start thinking about one. For many new bloggers, though, social media can seem like an annoyance that’s unneeded. But every day millions of people are using these sites—and as a professional blogger, it makes sense for you to be there too.


5) Not using WordPress plugins


WordPress is one of the most user-friendly content management systems (CMS) on the market today. And that’s precisely why it’s also a hot target for hackers—because it’s so simple to use, many don’t realize how vulnerable their sites are until something bad happens. WordPress plugins help close those holes and patch up weaknesses in your security net. If you aren’t using them, you should be.




Try to avoid these mistakes, and your search engine optimization will skyrocket! Seriously. It will. Whether you’re optimizing the best seo agency gold coast or a business-oriented website, you can stand to benefit from creating carefully targeted content and integrating it with keywords that have high search volumes. Just keep in mind that getting visitors should be your primary goal at first; traffic (and subsequent conversions) can come later.